Have the dramatic changes in global warming and climate change got you seeing red? Now is a great time to go green. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to make impactful, eco-friendly changes in your daily routine. Simply starting with these six ideas can lead you toward a greener life.
1. Buy only what you need.
The EPA estimates that each adult produces almost five pounds of trash every day. Think about your usual shopping list: Which products produce a lot of landfill-bound waste? If you don’t buy it today, it won’t become trash tomorrow.
2. Grow a container garden.
Fresh tomatoes, herbs, strawberries, and other beautiful plants can all be easily grown in containers on your balcony. Here are some great plants to try.
3. Cool your home naturally.
Using ceiling fans cools your home and cuts down on costs. “Opening windows during daylight hours lets in unwanted humidity and heat,” says green living expert Amber Merton . “Ventilate your home either at night or with fans instead.”
4. Consolidate errands into one trip.
You can make a difference in reducing fuel emissions. A little simple errand-running preparation goes a long way toward living a more green lifestyle.
5. Don’t litter.
Remember Woodsy Owl ? Follow his sage advice: “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.”
6. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.
Long considered the hierarchy of waste management, it’s a reminder to reduce the amount of disposable items we use and recycle or donate materials such as clothing, books, toys, magazines, and other household items we no longer need.
By making a commitment to live a greener, more environmentally conscious lifestyle, we can do our part to protect natural resources for generations to come.
Klotilda Nerhati (Google)
Tyler T. (Yelp)
Borys N. (Yelp)
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